Zero lead means that our products are free of lead, healthy ,organic and Family Friendly.
Zero lead means that our products are free of lead, healthy ,organic and Family Friendly.
Lead metal is a poisonous element naturally present in the earth’s crust has resulted in frequent use for widespread environmental pollution and human exposure to harmful effects and the occurrence of major probltems in public health in many areas of the world
In fact, according to an international research publication of the World Health Organization (WHO), the percentage of children in Saudi Arabia with blood level of the lead between 5-10 μg/dL was a whopping 23.3%, one of the highest levels found anywhere in the world! Even worse, the percentage of children in Saudi Arabia with blood level of the lead above 20 μg/dL was 11.4%.
In fact, according to an international research publication of the World Health Organization (WHO), the percentage of children in Saudi Arabia with blood level of the lead between 5-10 μg/dL was a whopping 23.3%, one of the highest levels found anywhere in the world! Even worse, the percentage of children in Saudi Arabia with blood level of the lead above 20 μg/dL was 11.4%.
Lead causes serious consequences for children’s health and when exposed to it at high levels, it attacks the brain and central nervous system and cause coma, convulsions and even death. Survivors of the children from acute lead poisoning can develop mental retardation and behavioral disorder. While lead exposure at lower levels do not cause any visible symptoms or that were considered safe in the past it is known today to cause many injuries to the body organs as a whole by a wide range of damage. Lead affects specifically on the growth of the child’s brain, causing lowering his intelligence and changes in his behavior such as shortening of the attention span and increased anti-social behavior and low level of educational attainment. Exposure to lead also causes the development of anemia, hypertension, renal insufficiency and poisoning of the immune system and genitals
For decades, lead was used in manufacturing water pipes, electrical wires and paint because it is reformed easily and never eroded or affected by changes in climate and when discovered that lead can be harmful to the human body, it was stopped its use in most of the materials, but it still exists in many locations in the environment, including dust and soil, that could be contaminated by lead from gasoline (lead was of the substances found in gasoline till found a way to extract and filter it of petrol) or paint, which contained lead years ago and of the characteristics of lead to stay for a long time so even after the cessation of its use, its effects stays long in the ground and the soil and dust
Water pipes: Water pipes were made of lead, which means contamination of drinking water by lead solubility in water
Hot water, in particular, can contain largest amount of lead compared to the cold water
Estimates indicate that the rate of childhood lead exposure contributes annually in about 600,000 new cases of mental disability as well as exposure to lead accounts for mortality of 143,000 deaths a year.
The organization has identified lead as one of the ten chemicals raises fundamental concerns about the public health need for Member States to take measures about it to protect workers and the health of children and women of childbearing age.
A joint statement issued by the United Nations for Children’s and the United Nations Environment program said that “lead poisoning is a health risk which has a major influence on the social and economic status of the community. Exposure to excessive levels of lead through air, water, soil and food hurts the intellectual and developmental health state of millions of children and adults all over the world”.